Friday, March 31, 2017

March Phone Dump

Because we are borderline insane, we had a realtor over to tell us what we could sell our house for.  There was land we were looking at, we've been looking for a house for YEARS and haven't found anything (lowered our expectations in August and STILL didn't find anything) and the seller's market is crazy right now.  He told us what we could sell it for and we said come back next week and put a sign in the yard.  (And then we still raised the price of what he told us to list it at.)

We have been wanting to get the roof of our house cleaned but have been putting it off because it only lasts three years.  When you decide to sell, you gotta get that done.  These poor guys were up (WAY up) there and it was literally 34 degrees out.  I felt bad for them.  But the roof looks great now!

"Take a picture of us, mommy!"

We moved half of our crap to Papa's (because that's where we will be living), cleaned our house really well and left.  Because I CAN NOT handle living there, trying to keep it clean, school 4 children, cooking and having 4 children running around.
This is Adelyn's owl from Oma.  Adelyn's owl had half a torn leg.  Lincoln fixed that problem and ripped it off.  Adelyn asked me to sew it and I didn't have my stuff.  Papa overheard (somehow) and sat down with his kit and glasses and sewed it on.  I texted Eric and his brothers this picture while they were at work.  Insert laughing while crying emoticon.

We were doing school, because no rest for the weary, and Brecken couldn't figure out how to write 22.  He got the first 2.  He couldn't get the second 2.  Despite my many repeated "Twenty TWO's."  After 10 minutes of crying, and me staring at him, he says "Oh! Two!"  {And please notice the cheat sheet he is holding} And I yanked out my hair.

Officially land owners!!!  The girls wouldn't get out because it was freezing and because we have visited the same piece of property precisely 22 times in 5 days.

Our closest neighbors are a pair of bald eagles.

And when we got back from taking our celebratory picture, there was a for sale sign in the yard!  That just got real.

My Thursday side kick came to church to work for a little bit with me.
"Take a picture mommy!"  Thanks for opening your eyes.

No phone dump is complete without a crazy bird lady picture.

Rocking him to sleep will never get old.

Haircuts for the littlest three::

Monday date day and Flicks Family Film Festival.  We went to see Monster Trucks.  We were the only ones there.  Homeschool perks.

{Normally this is not a repetitive thing.  I think it's maybe happened one or two other times TOTAL}
But here we are again.  B is {according to public school, this is the beauty of homeschool} way behind in reading.  I don't ever tell him this.  We started the beginning of the year not knowing most letters or any sounds.  He is almost to the end of the year and he knows all letters big and small and most of the sounds.  Learning is progressing.  He's moving at his own pace.  I assure you, there are many thing he excels at Joelle most certainly does not.  I wanted to try and have him read a couple words out of our first AAR book.  He sounded out the first three words and did great.  Then we get to the fourth word and he just loses it.  He sounds it out 112 times.  Cries for a long time.  Then says it.  So frustrating.  For him and me.  I put away these books for now.  I did start him on our Bob books and those were so much better.  With those, they have a little review section in the beginning and they only focus on those letters.  He read half of the book and was very encouraged.  We stopped while we were ahead.

We ended the month feeling like this::
B started with the fever.  It lasted off and on for a week.  Joelle had it for a little less.  L had it for a day.

 I am not sure what they are doing...

Then Adelyn got it on Monday and I got it on Tuesday.  It flattened us.  Fevers, coughs, runny noses, couldn't move.

Joelle finished her AAR chapter books a couple weeks ago.  She's on a mission to read all the Bob books.  She read 10 to me in one sitting.

This was my view on the other end of the couch::

This is what we call supervised cutting:: 

It took us four tries.  We found our streaker.

Our appraiser gave us two hours notice.  I was sleeping on the couch when I got the text.  Thankfully I woke up to the buzzing.  I called Eric frantically and had him come home.  Our house was TRASHED.  My just as sick as us Mom came to get the kids and Eric and I frantically cleaned.  Then he came 15 minutes early and I had to sneak out the garage because I was not fit to be seen.  I didn't trust myself driving around so I drove down the street and slept in the back of my truck.  He was there for over TWO HOURS.

I was so bored.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Our Weekend

Friday we had some friends over for the day!  Their mom had baby number 5.  We were on back up duty for when she actually went into labor and Grandma was home when it happened so we didn't get the kids.  Well.  The kids thought they should get a day over so we made it happen.

Crafting with 6 kids.

Lunch with 7.
 We had a ton of fun and kept busy.  I even managed to get some things done and no one killed each other.  Winning.

Saturday morning was the first day of u-pick for Red Havens.  Auntie wanted to can peaches this year.  We all carted off to the peach orchard.  It had poured the night before and morning of.  Adelyn was the only one who thought to suggest rain boots.  She was right.  We were all glad we had them.  

Ohhhh they tasted so good.

The kids, Auntie and all our loot.

My littlest monkey.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Adelyn::7.5 years old

Since I am a blogger slacker and didn't do posts for Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle on their birthday's...I am doing them on their half birthday's.

Oh this girl.  I can't believe she is going to be in 2nd grade.  I was remarking on this to Eric and he said he keeps trying to sign her in, in Kindergarten, at church.  HA.  She is such a sweet girl. 90% of the time.  The other 10%?  Watch out.  She has too much of her momma in her.  Kinda scares me.  And kinda makes me feel bad for my parents.

- 54lbs, 60th percentile for weight
-50.5in, 95th percentile for weight.  Still our tall, tall girl. (these are both from her 7 year visit)
-she wears a medium or size 8.
-size 2 shoe
-her hair is almost down to her butt
-loves anything artsy.  She is constantly drawing pictures.
-adores Lego's.  She has to read for 20 minutes a day for school.  I give her 2 "optional 20 minute reading" assignments in her book and when she x's off 10 of those, I give her $5.  Yes, I am bribing my child.  My mother would (literally) be proud.  She's saving for Lego's.
-she is so particular.  SO PARTICULAR.  Everything has to be just so.
-she adores collecting rocks.  She always has a pile for me to "put on my windowsill in the kitchen."
-she is constantly hungry.  CONSTANTLY.
-she says the funniest things.  She always has and, apparently, always will.
-she still hates new things.  She doesn't like change.
-she can be super sensitive.  She cries when Lincoln gets shots.
-she loves cooking and baking.  It is actually becoming fun with her in the kitchen and not such a chore.
-she does NOT like "wiggly clothes"
-she is such a lover.  She's always helping the kids out.
-she is such a helper to me.  It's amazing.
-she has grown so much in her reading.  I am proud.
-she is so kind to her friends
-she loves food
-she is super opinionated
-she loves TV

What's your name:: Adelyn
How old are you:: 7...and a half
What's your favorite color:: purple and pink
What is your favorite animal:: zebras and butterflies
What do you want to do when you grow up:: be a momma and bake cupcakes at home and be a librarian
What is your favorite movie:: Home
What is your favorite book:: Magic Tree House
What makes you happy:: Going to the zoo
What makes you sad:: When you yell at me  ...Apparently this is a recurring theme.
What is your favorite food:: Spaghetti and Meatballs and Pizza
What food is gross:: Potato Soup
What is your favorite song:: Jesus Loves Me
What games do you like to play:: Beat the Parents
What's your favorite subject in school:: Explode the Code and Spelling

Sunday, July 17, 2016

And Then My Baby Turned 2

I can not believe my last baby turned 2.  Actually I can.  Because these things keep happening.
Four things to note.
1.  I taught him to say "Me Baby!"  when someone asks how old he is.  He's very proud.  And so am I.
2.  My wise grandmother told me I need to let him grow up.  Wise advice from a dear lady who turned 89 this year.
3.  He's no longer a baby.  2 is officially toddler age.  But he will ALWAYS be my baby.
4.  He never actually turned two until 11:40 PM something.
The end.

In true Fitzgerald fashion, Brecken got sick on Saturday.  Lincoln's birthday and birthday party was Sunday.  He just had a fever of 103.  He rarely gets sick and when he does, he just, usually, needs to let his fever burn off.  So we prayed and hoped all day Saturday it would be gone Sunday.  And no one else got it.
Sunday morning dawned and he was fever free.  We decided to skip church (because of said previous fever) and head out for breakfast.  Daddy wanted to go to Wolfgang's.  So we did.
Sweet baby boy enjoying eggs, toast and sausage patties.

 My sister asked if the camera was working.  I told her to take a picture and see.  Always a good one.

Reading cards with his Momma

Cute summer clothes and cars from Uncle Steve and Auntie Carol

Bouncy ride on toy from Uncle Scott, Lynn and boys

Lock puzzles and gear puzzles from Auntie and Sean.  Everyone laughed hysterically about the locks puzzle.  Listen.  He can already do most locks.  And if he can't do it, he sits there and tries to figure it out until he can.  AND he hates inside toys.  We went to the library the other day and he actually sat and played with these.  So I texted Rach and said "THESE!!!"  She bought them.

Oma and Brecken.  Such a sweet picture.  And, for pete's sake, Brecken looks OLD.

Opening his money from Great Grandpa and Grandma

Balance bike from Papa and Nana!!

Opening his truck from Papa and Grandma.  He loooooooves his Cozy Coupe.  A friend has this truck and it sits slightly taller and is bigger than the Cozy Coupe.  Perfect for his birthday.

This is the bouncy ride on toy.  I saw it at the flea market in Shipse and inquired about it's durability.  It's made out of recycled tires so, apparently, very durable.  I was encouraged to hop on and try it out.  So I did.  It didn't break.  Good enough for us.  ;)

His new truck also has a trunk.  The kids were wheeling him around in it.

THE cake.  I've wanted to make this cake for a while.  The only person who loves rainbows and might pick it, is Adelyn.  And she hates frosting.  I tried to get her to let me make it for her past birthday.  I even told her I would decorate the outside in a rainbow of Skittles.  No go.  She chose an ice cream bar.  So I made it for someone who can't quite choose their own birthday cake yet.  {Insert laughing while crying emoticon}

I love this picture.

He loved the attention.

Ohhhhhhh.  Eric loved alll the "Ohhhh's and Ahhhhh's" from people :)
Y'all.  I had to make this cake {somewhat} GF AND DF.  There is really no good GF box mix.  So I made it using Einkorn.  I started Friday, just in case things went South.  It was the best cake I've ever had.  Soooo good.  And everything is DF.  Woot.

No, he didn't eat it all.  He ate the ice cream and some of the cake.  Then he wanted to go "Side."  Outside.

She was a beauty.

I was making lunch {on the 18th} and heard the words "Happy Birthday!!" coming from the table.  I turned around and said "Who said that?!"  It was Lincoln.  Seriously.  He was singing Happy Birthday plain as day.  That kid blows my socks off.