Life with a newborn has been great!! We can't complain. Our little one likes to sleep, she goes every three hours during the day and 4-5 at night :) We have been having a lot of fun with her, she had her first trip to Meijer when she was 4 days old (every baby has to have a trip to Meijer within their first week of life!) On Valentines day we went to the beach (we stayed in the car) and then got to-go food from 84 East, my favorite! Eric had a little over a week off to enjoy her with me and he loves being a daddy. He has been really helpful around the house and I think, if Adelyn could talk, she would tell you he gives a better bath than me!
Adelyns stats:
19 1/2 inches long
7lbs 11ozs
5 day doctors visit:
19 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile
7lbs 10ozs, 50th percentile
head was in the 75th percentile
2 week doctors visit:
21 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
8lbs 9ozs, 50the percentile
head still in the 75th percentile

Adelyns stats:
19 1/2 inches long
7lbs 11ozs
5 day doctors visit:
19 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile
7lbs 10ozs, 50th percentile
head was in the 75th percentile
2 week doctors visit:
21 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
8lbs 9ozs, 50the percentile
head still in the 75th percentile