Monday, February 16, 2009

Life with a Newborn

Life with a newborn has been great!! We can't complain. Our little one likes to sleep, she goes every three hours during the day and 4-5 at night :) We have been having a lot of fun with her, she had her first trip to Meijer when she was 4 days old (every baby has to have a trip to Meijer within their first week of life!) On Valentines day we went to the beach (we stayed in the car) and then got to-go food from 84 East, my favorite! Eric had a little over a week off to enjoy her with me and he loves being a daddy. He has been really helpful around the house and I think, if Adelyn could talk, she would tell you he gives a better bath than me!

Adelyns stats:
19 1/2 inches long
7lbs 11ozs

5 day doctors visit:
19 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile
7lbs 10ozs, 50th percentile
head was in the 75th percentile

2 week doctors visit:
21 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
8lbs 9ozs, 50the percentile
head still in the 75th percentile

Here are a couple her newborn pictures to enjoy :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

And heeeeeeeeeeeeere's, Baby!!!!

Today, our precious girl was born. Mom started contractions on Sunday, February 1, at 9 in the morning. The contractions got noticeably more pronounced at the kickoff of Super Bowl XLIII. By time the clock showed 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter, Nichole was contracting every 2.5 to 3 minutes. We rushed home to grab our bags and headed over to the hospital. The contractions gained strength on the ride home. We arrived at the hospital around 10. Nichole was dilated to a 5. At 4:01 our daughter was born. Mom and baby were doing great. All Nichole's hard work had paid off, and you could see it on her face. Adelyn J made her first sounds, and we were both so happy. Before you ask, she has 10 fingers and 10 toes. We chose the middle name J as a tribute to the mothers in our life. Both of their middle names begin with a J, Jean and Joy. It was fitting that our daughter hold the namesake of the two women that mean the world to both of us. Adelyn weighed in at a hefty 7 pounds 11 ounces. Not quite the 9 pounds Dr. Taylor thought, but we were both grateful for that. Adelyn measures 19 inches in length and looks like her mother (Thank goodness). Without further adieu, I give you Adelyn: